Monday, December 7, 2015

Chicken posts in 2015

Every year I like to do a round up of all the posts I've done of various topics, so that everyone can catch up on what they've missed.  Here's all my chicken posts.... and a couple of memes I've whipped up to help advertise my chicken tractor ebook.

Please ask all your chicken tractor questions here....  And tell your chicken tractor success stories too!

Keeping bantam chickens
Trimming chicken wing feathers
Feeding chickens
Popular chicken posts on Eight Acres
Treating chicken mites and lice
Hatching chicks!

You can find earlier chicken posts here.  And of course a tidied up and revised version of everything in my chicken tractor ebook.

Thanks for following my blog.  I love to read your comments and share and fun and challenges of chickens (and everything else on the farm).  See you next year!