
The short story
Who? I'm Liz (writes blog) and together with my husband, Peter (does the heavy lifting and manual farm work so there's always something to write about), we live with two Kelpie dogs (Cheryl and puppy Taz)

Where? We live in Nanango (on 8 acres) and also own a property at Kumbia (Cheslyn Rise, 258 acres), both located in the South Burnett region of Queensland, Australia, about 200 km north west of Brisbane

When? We've had the Nanango property since early 2010 and Cheslyn Rise since March 2012, we are currently organising a house at Cheslyn Rise so we can live there eventually

What we do? small-scale organic farming and living, growing veges and fruit, keeping cattle, two dairy cows, lots of chickens for meat and eggs, learning about permaculture, fermentation, cheese-making, eating what we grow and growing what we eat, working on the new/old house at Cheslyn Rise, working full-time even though we'd rather be farming, loving our lifestyle everyday despite the hard work it brings

What's this blog about? its a record of the things we do everyday on both our properties and an opportunity to share what we've learnt about self-sufficiency with anyone who's interested.  If you want to look back over the months, I do an update post each month with lots of photos of the garden, chickens, cows and kelpies.  See past updates here.  Otherwise, have a browse and see what interests you :)

If you have any questions please contact me on eight.acres.liz at gmail dot com.

How to follow Eight Acres
Everyone seems to like to use different technology and follow blogs in different ways, so I do try to cater for everyone.

If you have a blog on blogger yourself, the easiest way to follow is to click the "follow" button on the sidebar (and I'd be honoured if you added me to the blog roll on your blog, I try to do the same for any new follows)

If, like me, you changed over to bloglovin when google reader was shut down, just to cover all the other blogs that aren't on blogger, you can follow me on bloglovin here or on feedly here.

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We're on Pinterest too and I am trying to remember to pin each Eight Acres post, as well as any other interesting posts I come across, follow me on pinterest here.

And finally, if that's not enough for you and you just want a plain old email of every post so you don't miss out, you can enter your email address on the sidebar of the blog through feedburner.

Advertising with Eight Acres
Eight Acres accepts advertising from selected companies, if you would like more information, please email me at eight.acres.liz at gmail dot com and I will send you my media kit.

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